Mommy Makeover

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Pregnancy and motherhood can be magical times, but the physical transformations can often be difficult to correct with simple diet and exercise. In those cases, a Mommy Makeover might be the ideal next step. This customizable treatment allows you to address a range of concerns, from excess abdominal skin to sagging breasts and signs of aging in the face. 

At Coberly Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, Dr. Dana Coberly and our team are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Dr. Coberly will be happy to discuss procedure options available to you and answer any questions you may have about the Mommy Makeover procedure. 

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a collection of treatments designed to target areas of the body typically affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, and raising children, such as the abdomen, breasts, and areas susceptible to storing excess fat. The aim is to improve and re-establish your pre-pregnancy physical appearance as much as possible according to your individual goals. Based on your needs and concerns, a customized treatment plan will be constructed that includes the procedures to address the specific areas you would like to enhance. A Mommy Makeover can often be performed as a single procedure with a combination of treatments, or it can be performed in a series of staged appointments.

What Are the Benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

There are multiple potential benefits to a Mommy Makeover. Patients can address areas of their bodies they would like to improve, enhance, and tighten. Specifically, regions that traditional diet and exercise routines can’t seem to improve. Depending on your needs and goals, a Mommy Makeover can:

  • Add volume to the breasts 
  • Lift the breasts to a more youthful and “perky” position 
  • Repair abdominal muscles and tighten/firm the skin in the abdomen 
  • Remove isolated pockets of excess fat and enhance body contours 
  • Rejuvenate facial aesthetics 

What Are the Mommy Makeover Treatment Options?

A wide variety of treatments can be included in a customized Mommy Makeover. The ideal options for your needs and goals will be discussed during your initial consultation with Dr. Coberly. Whether you are considering minimally invasive treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic and CoolSculpting® or surgical procedures, there’s an assortment of options available to you. Below, we’ll highlight some of the more commonly utilized procedures in a Mommy Makeover: 

Tummy Tuck 

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to tighten and “flatten” the abdomen. Excess skin is removed and muscles that have been stretched and weakened are restored, while the skin is redraped for a firmer look. 


Another common procedure, liposuction targets fat deposits in the body. By addressing those fat buildups, patients are typically able to achieve better contours and improved definition. There are multiple areas that can benefit from liposuction, including the abdomen, arms, thighs, and back. The procedure can also be a good complement to a tummy tuck if excess fat is contributing to aesthetic concerns in the abdominal area.

Breast Surgery 

Pregnancy and nursing can greatly affect the appearance of a woman’s breasts, and there are a variety of procedures that can help. Breast augmentation enhances the shape, size, and volume of breasts utilizing saline or silicone implants. For breasts that have lost perkiness and are exhibiting a sagging/drooping appearance, a breast lift can address those concerns and produce firmer skin and a more youthful projection. Additionally, moms who have breasts that have grown uncomfortably larger after pregnancy or breastfeeding may find breast reduction surgery beneficial. 

What Can I Expect During Mommy Makeover Recovery?

Mommy Makeover procedures often include at least two major surgeries; therefore, patients should plan for a period of relaxation and recovery following the treatment. Every patient’s recovery will be different, depending on the procedures performed and how their bodies heal. Dr. Coberly will be able to provide you with more detailed recovery expectations once your Mommy Makeover treatment options have been selected, and you will receive thorough post-operative guidelines designed to help you experience a safe and efficient recovery process. For several weeks following your Mommy Makeover you will be advised to avoid strenuous exercise and activities; however, Dr. Coberly will likely recommend that you start taking brief walks soon after surgery to keep blood circulation flowing. Regular check-ups will be scheduled to ensure you are healing properly and comfortably.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

A Mommy Makeover is a customizable series of procedures, meaning the cost will vary depending on one’s specific cosmetic goals and the treatments they choose. Some factors that can affect the overall cost include the type and number of the chosen procedures, surgical techniques that were utilized, facility and anesthesia fees, and other components. Once your treatment plan is created, a member of our team can provide you with a more personalized cost estimate and answer any extra questions. Additionally, Coberly Plastic Surgery & Med Spa accepts numerous payment methods, with plastic surgery financing plans also available for qualified applicants through reputable third-party agencies.   

For additional information about a Mommy Makeover, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.